Lisa Matta Paze
- Former N.E Patriot Cheerleader & Team Captain (1977-82)
- Past Choreographer & Coach of the “New England Patriot Cheerleaders” and was also the Producer for the N.E Patriots Cheerleading Half Time Shows and Traveling Dance Team (late 70’s & early 80’s).
- Current Member and presently serves as Vice President on the Executive Board of Directors for NEPCAA (New England Professional Cheerleading Alumni Association).
- NEPCAA Chairperson for Fundraising Events.
- Miss Massachusetts 1979, and Competed in the Miss America Pageant.
- Graduate of Emerson College (Dance/Theater-Arts, & Communications).
- Continued Graduate Studies in the Special Education Field.
- Studied with the Boston Conservatory of Music, & Boston Ballet.
- Since her affiliation with the Miss Massachusetts/Miss America Program back in the late 1970’s, Lisa still continues to volunteer for many organizations.
- Other Past Titles and Awards: Outstanding Woman of America, Who’s Who in Pageants, New England Cinderella Girl, Former Miss Brockton & Miss Boston.
- Present Owner & Director of the Matta Dance Academy for over 35 years.